South Korean singing competition show “King of Mask Singer” debuted Celebrities. The singers compete against one another in three rounds of elimination over the course of each competition’s two episodes. They are provided with intricate masks to wear in order to conceal their identities, eliminating variables like popularity, career, and age that may result in biassed voting. Both participants sing the same song in the first round, and in the second and third rounds, each performs a solo song. Through immediate live voting, the public and celebrity panel choose the victors of each combination. The singers’ identities aren’t made public until after they’ve been removed. The third-round victor challenges the Mask King from the prior fight and is either
TV Show: King of Mask Singer
Country: South Korea
Aired: Apr 5, 2015 – ?
Aired On: Sunday
Original Network: MBC
Duration: 1 hr. 45 min.
Content Rating: 13+ – Teens 13 or older